

Today I had the good fortune to have lunch at Super Antojitos. Despite my rants about not being able to find good Mexican food were I live in a previous post, this place proves that not all is bad around here. In addition to the authentic food (I'm not from Mexico, so don't take my word for it), eating here has the benefit of being offered some of the owners homegrown piquins. Never having tried one before, I quickly chowed one down, resulting in some serious pain along with a very welcome endorphin high. Needless to say, I was hooked.

To learn more about this fiery little pepper I consulted my favorite cookbook, The Chile Pepper Encyclopedia. As the title implies, it's more of an encyclopedia than a cookbook, albeit one with lots of recipes. If you're into spicy food, I highly recommend it. Not only does it come loaded with seriously nice and spicy recipes, it will also give you the lowdown on everything you ever wanted to know about chili peppers. So, what about piquins? According to the book, it's an extremely hot pepper, but I could have told you that without looking it up.

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